To all our valued customers,

At Vanguard Steel Ltd. we are wholly committed to the health and wellbeing of our customers, business partners, and staff- and never more so than at this time. Our focus is on preparedness and rest assured, during these uncertain times, Vanguard Steel Ltd. will continue to try and maintain the highest level of customer service you have all come to expect and deserve.

We are taking steps to mitigate COVID-19 transmission by following the Public Health Agency of Canada guidelines and we have made changes to our business over the last few weeks to help slow the spread of the virus by reducing unnecessary travel, reduced outside sales activities, reinforced hygiene protocols and restricted access to our facilities. We communicate regularly with employees to update them on the situation and to remind them to remain vigilant, practice good hygiene, and immediately seek medical attention should they exhibit any symptoms of the novel coronavirus. Our goal is to continue to provide a safe workplace for our employees, and to continue to serve our customers without interruption.

Currently, there has been no major disruption to our business or supply chain. We continue to closely monitor the pandemic to assess risks and protect our people and processes as we follow and adjust in accordance to the latest Policies and Guidelines on COVID-19 provided from Canadian authorities.

Our thoughts go out to the people who have been affected by this unprecedented event and we are grateful for the public health authorities, healthcare workers and local communities who are on the front line working to contain the virus.
Together, we will get through this. Please take care of yourself and each other.


Craig Spence
President & CEO